FaceCheck — identity verification made easy.
What is FaceCheck?
FaceCheck is a security system designed to make identity verification easy by using various different modules of Python, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to identify identities through Face Recognition. FaceCheck purely includes building an algorithm to solve the given task. A real-world problem with a custom-made solution, to make life easier and much more efficient.
Why use FaceCheck?
FaceCheck makes going to private events a safe and quick journey, as it prevents identity theft & is also a quicker way that manual physical verification of a person. It enables time saving & is also much safer.
FaceCheck can be used in private parties, important events, institutional events etc. to assure safety & quick verification of the people attending the event. It is a quick and efficient way to figure out if a person is wanted or not.
Our Journey throughout the creation of FaceCheck:
As someone who had absolutely no prior experience in the wide field of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and a person who is not very fond of coding, the learning arc was tough but exciting for me. Introduction to Python libraries, modules, exploring into the worlds of deep-learning was a very tedious but fun experience. I was able to learn about OpenCV, which is an amazing tool for image processing and computer vision tasks and apply it into my own program alongside with many other different python libraries. After a significant number of tries and a lot of failures, I was able to run the program with my own pictures as a test and was very happy with the outcome. Overall, throughout my journey in the creation of FaceCheck, I learned a lot of new things & was mind-blown by the endless creative possibilities that one can achieve through deep learning and I plan to further develop an interest in this field even more.
Plans for the future:
Algorithm creation was only the begin and we plan to slowly add more features to the program by creating a graphical-user interface, implement ways to prevent identity theft and the ability to increase picture resolution quality. A proper application for the program to work efficiently is on the tab aswell.
In this article, we reviewed a somewhat ordinary real-world problem which required a tailor-made solution. We dug into OpenCV’s Face Recognition capibilities andused it in our program to fulfill the requirements of the problem at hand. Hope you enjoyed it!